Vigtigste : Filudvidelser : .fountain Fil

.fountain Filudvidelse

FiltypeFountain Script File

Udvikler N/A
Kategori Text Files
Format Text

.FOUNTAIN option nummer

Text file created by screenwriting applications, such as Storyist; contains UTF-8 text written in screenplay format using simple Fountain-specific syntax; can be opened by any text editor and easily shared.

Flere oplysninger

Some basic syntax guidelines for a FOUNTAIN file include:

  • Character names are in upper case.
  • Dialogue follows immediately after Character on the next line.
  • Scene headings begin with INT, IEXT, EST, INT./EXT, INT/EXT, and I/E followed by a period or space.
  • Transitions end in "T0:".
  • Parentheticals are contained in parentheses.
Visit the Fountain site to learn more about the syntax.

To create a FOUNTAIN file in Storyist:

  1. Select File → Export... and choose the items you want to export.
  2. Select "Fountain Script (.fountain)" from the Format drop down menu, click Next....
  3. Select any export options you want, click Next... again, name the file, choose the save location, and click Export.

To import a FOUNTAIN file in Storyist, select File → Import..., navigate to your file, and click Import.... Then, choose your import options in the Import Assistant, select "Next", and click Import.

Programmer, der åbnes FOUNTAIN Filer
Microsoft Notepad
Act Focused Media Slugline
Quote-Unquote Apps Highland


Vores mål er at hjælpe dig med at forstå, hvad filen med udvidelsen *.fountain er ansvarlig for og hvordan man åbner den.

Filtype Fountain Script File, beskrivelser af programmer til Mac, Windows, Linux, Android og iOS, der er angivet på denne side, blev individuelt undersøgt og verificeret af FileExt-kommandoen. Vi stræber efter 100% nøjagtighed og offentliggør kun oplysninger om de filformater, som vi testede og testede.