.tmvx Filudvidelse
FiltypeTextMaker Document Template
Udvikler | SoftMaker Software |
Kategori | Text Files |
Format | N/A |
.TMVX option nummer
En TMVX-fil er et dokument skabelon, der er oprettet af TextMaker, et sværdbehandlingsprogram, der er inkluderet i Softmaker Office. Den kan gemme tekst, tegnede objekter, tabeller, billeder og sideformateringsoplysninger. TMVX-filer bruges til at oprette .TMD og .TMDX dokumenter med samme formatering eller indhold.
TMVX-fil åben i SoftMaker Office TextMaker 2018
TMVX-filer gemmes i et proprietært format og ligner Microsoft Word-skabeloner (.DOT eller .DOTX filer). They may be converted to other formats in TextMaker, including .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, DOT, DOTX, TMD, TMDX, TMV, .ODT, .PSW, and .RTF.
You can create a TMVX file by selecting
or , and then choosing the TMVX format. You can open a TMVX file by selecting and navigating to the TMVX file. You can also choose and select the TMVX template from which you want to create your new document. TMVX files are saved by default in the "Templates [version]" folder of the "SoftMaker" folder in your "Documents" folder path.NOTE: TMVX files replaced .TMV files as the primary file type used to store templates.
Windows |
Macintosh |